Setup Local Hybris project using Intellij and gitlab

This is how I was able to get hybris working locally using Intellij and gitlab. You will need to also have a few Prerequisites.

Intellij, Add gitlab plugin to Intellij, Ant, Java 1.8.0_66 (only this version works for my project)
Put both in Path

1.     Create project folder
2.     Copy and paste the Hybris zip into the project folder
3.     Unzip hybris
4.     Rename the ‘hybris’ folder to ‘hybris1’
5.     Open Intellij
6.     File -> New -> Project from Version Control -> gitlab (you may need the gitlab plugin for this)
7.     Go to directory containing ‘hybris1’ for Parent directory
8.     Give the directory name ‘hybris’
9.     Checkout dev_WAVEZERO branch
10.  Delete the waveTwo branch
11.  Copy the contents of hybris1/bin and paste them in hybris/bin
12.  Rename hybris/config to ‘config1’
13.  Open terminal to the hybris/bin/platform
14.  Run '. ./setantenv.bat'.
15.  Run ‘ant clean’ and hit default which is ‘develop’
16.  Copy contents of /hybris/config1 and paste them in hybris/config
17.  Delete config1
18.  Copy ‘solr’ folder from somewhere good and paste it in config folder
19.  Update the file in the config folder with the paths on your machine

20.  Run ‘ant customize’
21.  Run ‘ant clean all’
22.  Run ‘./’
23.  Go to HAC with http://localhost:9001/admin and initialize
24.  If you want to bring in some of the CA content pages. Go to HAC with http://localhost:9001/admin  User: admin Password: nimda
25.  Click on console>ImpEx Import>Import Script
26.  Click ‘Choose file’ and navigate to hybris/config/Prod-data/NewMarkets/NewMarket_CA . Import each of these impex files. (ignore errors)
28.  Login with admin/nimbda
29.  Navigate to Catalog->Catalog Management tools->Synchronization
30.  Select the doterraCAContentCatalog and click next
31.  Click start
32.  Navigate System-> Facet search config -> Indexer operation wizard
33.  Select update and select CAContentCatalog
34.  Click start
35.  Go to terminal and stop hybris server
36.  In terminal go to hybris/bin/custom/doterra/doterrastorefront/web/webroot/_ui/desktop/common/assets-doterra
37.  Run compass clean

38.  Run compass compile


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