Custom CMSComponent

Recently, I had to create a custom cmslinkcomponent to create a localized url. In this case it was not possible to redeclare the attribute. Instead I created a new itemtype.

Created files:
In the cockpits extension
   - editorArea_LocalizedCMSLinkComponent.xml
   - wizardConfig_LocalizedCMSLinkComponent.xml
   - contentEditor_LocalizedCMSLinkComponent.xml
In the storefront extension
   - localizedcmslinkcomponent.jsp = to display the new itemtype

Edited files:
In the storefront
   - spring-cms-config.xml = add beans for controller and renderer and then add to renderer registry
   - = add the itemtype

In the core extension
   - update all the locales_property files = add the itemtype name and descriptions


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